Conexión San Angelo is a Bilingual News Media Company that not only provides up to date happenings, but a source of connecting the community with local businesses.

Conexión San Angelo es una empresa de medios de comunicación bilingüe que no solo ofrece información actualizada, sino también una fuente para conectar a la comunidad con las empresas locales.

Gregorio Gutierrez
Gregorio Gutierrez is the Founder/CEO/President of Conexión Hispana-Bilingual Newspaper. Growing up in Mexico he started working at the age of 12. As a child Gregorio had a big vision that reached beyond his pueblo. That vision brought him to the United States in 1984, establishing himself in San Angelo in 1986, then married his now wife and business partner Araceli Gutierrez in 1990. In 2000 he became a U.S. Citizen.
His work experience varies from working as a pharmacist to working in federal agency Telecommunications and radio station broadcasting. He worked locally at KSJT Spanish radio, and 1992 created a pilot program entitled “Simplemente Latino” for KLST-TV.
Gregorio founded the first bilingual newspaper in San Angelo, Conexión Hispana. Now in its expansion and growth includes Conexión Del Rio, Conexión a la Salud, Conexión Cristiana and Art & Culture Connection.
Gregorio Gutiérrez es el fundador / CEO / presidente de Conexión Hispana-Periódico Bilingüe. Al crecer en México, a la edad de 12 años comenzó a trabajar. Gregorio, cuando era niño tuvo una gran visión que se extendió más allá de su pueblo. Esa visión lo llevó a los Estados Unidos en 1984, estableciéndose en San Angelo en 1986, en 1990 se casó con su actual esposa y compañera de negocios, Araceli Gutiérrez. En el 2000 se convirtió en ciudadano de los Estados Unidos.
Su experiencia laboral varía desde trabajar como farmacéutico hasta trabajar en agencias federales de comunicaciones y estaciones de radio. Trabajó localmente en la estación de Radio en español KSJT y en 1992 creó para KLST-TV un programa piloto titulado "Simplemente Latino".
Gregorio fundó en San Angelo Conexión Hispana el primer periódico bilingüe, ahora en su expansión y crecimiento, se incluye Conexión Del Rio, Conexión a la Salud, Conexión Cristiana y Conexión al Arte y la Cultura.

Gregorio Gutierrez Day
January 23
Thank You San Angelo
Brenda Gunter, Mayor of the City of San Angelo, Texas,
on behalf of the City Council, do hereby proclaim January 23, 2021,
Gregorio Gutierrez Day
in San Angelo, Texas, in honor of the founder of Conexión San Angelo y Del Rio.

Conexión Staff

Araceli Gutierrez
Araceli Gutierrez L. was born into a humble family in Hidalgo, Mexico. In 1990 she married her business partner Gregorio Gutierrez. They have 2 children, Allan G. Gutierrez Lara and Rodrigo Gutierrez Lara. In 1996 she became a U.S. Citizen. Araceli is the Vice president of Conexión Hispana Internacional LLC.
Together with her husband through Conexión Hispana Internacional LLC they have been providing the community local, regional, governmental and educational information for 17 years. Araceli loves being of voice for the community. Everything she does comes from the heart.
Araceli Gutiérrez Lara. nació en una familia humilde en Hidalgo, México. En 1990 se casó con su actual esposo y compañero de negocio Gregorio Gutiérrez. Tienen 2 hijos, Allan G. Gutierrez Lara y Rodrigo Gutierrez Lara. En 1996 se convirtió en ciudadana de los Estados Unidos. Araceli es la vicepresidente de Conexión Hispana Internacional LLC.
Junto con su esposo a través de Conexión Hispana Internacional LLC, han brindado a la comunidad información local, regional, gubernamental y educativa durante 17 años. Le encanta ser una voz para la comunidad. Todo lo que ella hace viene del corazón.

Gabriela Gaspar
Gabriela was born in Del Rio, Tx but raised in San Angelo, Tx. She graduated from Lakeview Highschool and Howard college in 2012.
She has worked in the food industry and a call center.
Gabriela joined Conexión in 2016 as a receptionist and has since been promoted Business Administrator/ Marketing Director.
She enjoys speaking with clients and meeting new ones and building business relationships with them.
Gabriela nació en Del Rio, Texas, pero creció en San Angelo, Texas. En 2012 se graduó de la preparatoria Lakeview y del colegio Howard.
Ha trabajado en la industria alimenticia y en un centro de llamadas.
Gabriela se unió a Conexión en 201 6 como recepcionista después fue promovida a administradora de negocio / directora de Marketing.
A ella le gusta hablar con los clientes y establecer relación con los nuevos negocios.

Health Connection Guide
Business Cards
Graphic Design
Web design
Public Notary Notary Public
Guía de Conexión a la Salud
Tarjetas de Negocios
Pendondes o pancartas plásticas
Tarjetas Postales
Folletos de tres pliegues
Diseño Gráfico
Diseño Web
Notaría Pública
2002-2012 Serving The Community Award presented by San Angelo Nurses
2004 Media Honor Roll Award presented by SAISD
2005 Be part of 40 tops Spanish Medias of USA and Canada
2006 Receive Flag flagging on the Capitol
2006 Honoring for Lions International for Exceptional Contributions, Loyalty,
and Dedicated Service to the Community..
2007 Certificate of Merit for Dedication, Sacrifice and Commitment presented by Hon.
Guillermo C. Serna and George W. Bush
2008 Outstanding Progress Award presented by State Representative Michael Conaway
2008 Appreciation Award presented by Mexican Consulate Ricardo Ahuja
2010 Receive Certificate of Appreciation presented for United States Department of Commerce
Bureau of the Census
2011 Business of the Year presented by ADACCV
2011-2012 Certificate of Appreciation presented by ASU Nursing Student Partake In
2011-2013 Receive Certificate of Appreciation presented for San Angelo Museum Fine Arts (SAMFA) for Exceptional Contributions, and dedicated to promote the Arts, Culture, and History our Communities
2013 State of Texas Recognition of Community Spirit and Entrepreneurial Award by Governor Rick Perry
2013 Outstanding Service Award presented by State Representative Drew Darby
2014 Recognition for Passion and Pride for Mexico by Mexican Consulate, presented by Ricardo Santana Velazquez
2014 Recognition for Outstanding Service In promoting United Way presented by United Way
2014 Pursuit of Excellence Certificate of Appreciation presented by Austin Territory
2015 Media Honor Roll Award presented by SAISD
2016 Appreciation Award presented by t}The Housing Authority of The City of Del Río in Recognition for public and contribution to volunteer Income Tax Assitance (VITA) Program
2017 Recognition for the invaluable service to promote the communication and culture of communities such as San Angelo and Del Río, Passion and Pride for México by Mexican Consulate, presented by Carlos Obrador Garrido Cuesta
2017 Diversity Recognition Award presented to Conexión Hispana International LLC, presented by San Angelo Chamber Commerce
2018 Honoring for Lions International for Exceptional Contributions, Loyalty, and Dedicated